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In the early stage 'com' means bread and 'pany' means taking meals together, so this two words 'com' and 'pany' jointly called company. we can understand that different businessmen wore took their meals together, that time they discuss their business problem and solve jointly. So that they knew that if they work jointly they will success better than they are doing solely. From this concept they knew that if they work jointly they will earn more than solely. From this practice we can easily know that gathering of people doing business in one place is called company like wise in other word company is called group of person formed a enterprises for better earning purpose.
              In present contents there are many types of company like private company, public company, government company, foreign company, holding company, etc. the main feature of the company is that is artificial legal person, limited liabilities, common seal, transferable of share, etc. Like wise there are some disadvantages are also there like, requirement of minimum number of member, minimum paid up capital, winding up procedure also to be followed, etc
            At last company is nothing but it is an enterprises created by law and group of person to full fill their business requirement and they seek their time for earning money.


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